Advance Placement Transfer Guide: click here

The Advanced Placement (AP) program at Madison Highland Prep provides students with an opportunity to earn college credits during their high school career. Advanced Placement courses are taught at a higher and more rigorous level than their regular counterparts. Through Advanced Placement courses, students become prepared to handle coursework, reading, writing and critical thinking at a college level.
What are the advantages of my student taking an AP course?
The main advantage of taking an AP course is better preparation for college. It has been shown that students master in depth content at the college level more easily after completing AP courses in high school. Students also acquire sophisticated academic skills and increased self-confidence in preparation for college. Additionally, students who take AP exams may receive college credit while still in high school, saving both time and money. College credit on AP exams can save up to $1,500 in college tuition alone and/or count as credit for one or more courses. Some parents have saved what would be the equivalent of $18,000 for a full year of college and total living expenses for their student.
How does an AP course compare to other high school courses?
AP courses are more challenging and stimulating, but they take more time and require more work. These courses require energetic, involved, and motivated students. Students who succeed in AP courses generally do well in college as a result of the rigorous academic preparation. Madison Highland Prep gives extra grade point weight on the GPA for taking an AP course and exam. (A=5.0; B=4.0, C=3.0, D=1.0, F=0.0) In this way, a student’s GPA is not adversely affected by taking an AP courses. Colleges look favorably on students who tackle AP courses.
What background is needed in order to succeed in an AP course?
The content of an AP course is more sophisticated than that in typical high school honors courses. Students should have had practice in analyzing content, drawing comparisons, and reasoning through problems. They must be able to read perceptively and independently. Additionally, students will need to be proficient in writing clear, concise essays. Students who are not skilled in these areas must be even more highly motivated to make up deficiencies at the same time they are taking more rigorous courses. Students that prepare for college by taking the most rigorous classes available in high school, better their success. The keys to success are motivation, self-discipline, and academic preparation. Madison Highland Prep offers a rigorous honors program and Pre-AP program in English and Mathematics through the College Board’s SpringBoard curriculum. Through exposure to this curriculum, students will be prepared and encouraged to participate in AP coursework.
How will my student receive college credit from taking an AP course?
The AP exams are given every school year in May. Scores are reported to the colleges designated by the student and range from 1 (no recommendation) to 5 (extremely qualified). Each college determines the scores to be accepted for credit, but most consider a score of at least 3. Colleges may award three and sometimes six hours of credit per test. Students should contact individual colleges to find out about their policy. Students are not required to complete an AP course to take the AP exams. However, research indicates that students who take AP courses score higher on AP exams than those students who do not take the courses.
How much does it cost for my student to enroll in an AP course and take the AP exam?
There is no cost for students to enroll in an AP course at Madison Highland Prep. The AP exams are approximately $94 for each exam. The College Board provides a $32 fee reduction per exam for students with financial need. For each AP Exam taken with a fee reduction the cost is $53 per exam.
MHP students will have the opportunity to take the following AP courses in their junior and senior years:
11th Grade Year
- AP English Language and Composition
- AP Environmental Science
- AP Chemistry
- AP Biology
- AP Statistics
- AP United States History
- AP Spanish Language and Composition
12th Grade Year
- AP English Language and Composition
- AP English Literature and Composition
- AP Environmental Science
- AP Chemistry
- AP Biology
- AP United States History
- AP Microeconomics
- AP Spanish Language and Composition